2015 Legislative Wrap Up It is difficult to imagine, but the 2015 legislative year was even more challenging than the 2014 legislative year, which included the diversion of staff resources to defeat Proposition 46. With a third of legislators (40 out of 120) serving freshman terms, the California Medical Association’s (CMA) Government Relations staff spent a considerable amount of time during the first quarter educating new legislators and their staff about the mission and policies of CMA. Through our educational efforts, we successfully stopped the introduction of a number of harmful legislative proposals and shifted focus to the passage of CMA’s sponsored bill package. December 1, 2015 California Legislation, Legislation Vaccines, CURES, Physician Aid-in-Dying, Scope of Practice, Workers' Comp 0 0 Comment Read More »
Legislative Alert: Urge your Legislator to OPPOSE Bills to Expand Scope of Nonphysician Practitioners Urge your assembly members to OPPOSE SB 491, SB 492 and SB 493 today! These bills would provide nurse practitioners with independent practice, allow optometrists to perform surgical and nonsurgical primary care beyond their scope of practice, and create a new advanced practice pharmacist who can prescribe medication and administer immunizations. Ultimately, these bills will put patients at risk and lower the quality of care provided in our state. June 12, 2013 California Legislation, Legislation Hernandez, Legislative Alert, SB 491, SB 492, SB 493, Scope of Practice 0 0 Comment Read More »